We focus on providing support for companies requiring expertise in chemical metallurgy. We use proven principles and methodologies to design and commercialize innovative hydrometallurgical processes. We’ve worked with a wide range of hydrometallurgical processes including heap-leaching and tank leaching, solvent-extraction and ion exchange processes, electrorefining and electrowinning of base metalls.
• leaching/bio-leaching of copper ore/concentrate
• solvent extraction of copper and zinc
• selenium and tellurium hydrometallurgy
• electro-leaching and electrorefining processes
• recycling of valuable elements from waste streams and disposals
• iron removal hydrometallurgy
• niobium, tantalum, vanadium and titanium hydrometallurgy
• antimony, cesium and rubidium recovery
• rare earth elements recovery
• nickel ores hydrometallurgy
• gold and silver cyanide and thiosulfate hydrometallurgy