We are well equipped to address your plant design and engineering needs through on-site plant support, conceptual studies and flow…
We focus on providing support for companies requiring expertise in chemical metallurgy. We use proven principles and methodologies to design…
Geometallurgy combines process mineralogy and material characterization as a tool for predicting future metallurgical performance. Our metallurgists, mineralogists, geochemists, and…
We develop stable waste management facilities that are designed for practical operation and cost-effective closure and meet not only local…
Our geotechnical professionals have extensive experience in designing and operating stable underground mine workings, pit slopes, tunnels, road cuttings, and…
Scarce or plentiful, wasted or coveted—water is a precious commodity and the quantity and quality available often don’t match community…
Successful mining projects require a combination of technical and managerial expertise. Our unbiased advice to clients is based on our…
We find, delineate, and estimate the size and quality of mineral deposits using tools that minimize risks, cut costs, and…
Cost-effectively solve your environmental challenges while minimizing liabilities and complying with regulations Proactive environmental planning allows you to minimize liability…
Mitigate risks and maximise value through comprehensive, independent studies and reviews by multidisciplinary global experts. When you plan a new…