Geometallurgy combines process mineralogy and material characterization as a tool for predicting future metallurgical performance. Our metallurgists, mineralogists, geochemists, and processing engineers are experienced in using geometallurgical modelling to reduce risk during all project stages. This modelling helps us to determine deposit variability in terms of ore hardness, leach and flotation kinetics, and impurity levels in final concentrates. This allows evaluation of different processing options and optimization of short and long-term operational performance.
Our specialists determine the most efficient and economical processing flowsheet by modelling grinding and separation procedures. Specifically, we determine the optimal grind size and forecast throughput, final concentrate grade, and recovery. This enables us to design new flowsheets as well as improve existing ones. We also integrate geometallurgical relationships in resource block models to aid mine scheduling and other decision-making processes.
- Geometallurgical program design and coordination
- Ore sample selection
- Development of direct or proxy methods for metallurgical forecasting
- Development of grinding and separation testwork protocols
- Metallurgical model development